Northridge earthquake

Susan Donjuan
Northridge Earthquake

Glass breaking, buildings falling, and people screaming for help was the result of what people experienced throughout the Northridgeearthquake. The Northridge earthquake marked a significant day for many of the residents who had experienced the devastating day. There many people who had experienced different perspectives andthere were different reactions. This is what made the experience very significant. Throughout the fourteen years the residents of Los Angeles still carry memories, thoughts, and emotions that many peopleshared and still carry on with other people. From the result of the disaster many residents gain ,lost, but in return the residents learned from their experiences. People learned what kindness meantand how it brought more people united. The Northridge earthquake effected most of the residents of Los Angeles nation.

On Jan 17, 1994 the Northridge earthquake marked as one of the devastatingdisasters throughout the Californian history. It was 4:31 am in the morning, not even the sun had raised for the following day. This meant that people were probably getting ready to go to work and therest of the people were still sleeping. According LA Fire .com they state the following information. The magnitude of the Northridge earthquake was 6.7. Many of the aftershocks had an magnitude of 4.0to 5.0 range. DIS- says that the location of the impact occurred about twenty miles northwest of the Los Angeles, beneath the San Fernando Valley. The Northridge took lives of 57 people andalso injured about 1,500 people.( LA Fire) Many people believed that it was one of the most costliest and damaging earthquake in Southern California. The financial costs of the catastrophe were about$15billion dollars given by the president of the United States. “The cause of the Northridge earthquake was a thrust fault that involved the San Andreas fault,” stated by the La Fire . The…