Trabajos de homeland security

César Wilkins Acosta! Homeland Security 280 Dr. Jim Ramsay February 1st, 2010

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POSITIONS Master Transportation Security Officer (Behavior Detection Officer) This position requires afull-time employment. A person who has the main goal to protect the people and securing travel. As an applicant you must fulfill certain requirements: US Citizen, complete a Investigation Background, Mustpass Drug and Alcohol Screening test, and all the employment conditions. As an employee you will be required to master certain duties. As a behavior detection officer, you will perform observationsand engage in voluntary encounters with people. By doing this, you will have to determine whether the individual may be involve in harmful activities again transportation systems. To have this work donesuccessfully, you are required to rely upon experiences and a extended knowledge of governing law, policies, procedures and regulations. Transportation Security Inspector Homeland Security goal isthe safety of travel and the protection of the people. With that goal in mind, as a transportation security officer, you are forced to integrity first, and this counts towards all the positions.Discovering and stopping emerging transportation security treats, providing friendly customer service to travelers, screening passengers, coordinating security involving transportation methods, Overseeingtransportation-related responsibilities of the Federal Government during an emergency. As an inspector, you will be responsible for ensuring security compliances of persons, freight and surfacetransportation methods. This means, being in charge of protection the nation’s public from terrorism and other acts of sabotage to transportations systems, facilities and networks. For this position you willbe using the material learned from training, experiences and expertise learned on the field. Master Transportation Security Officer At the Transportation Security Administration, we serve as…