Why joining a health school

? There are many reasons why someone would join a health school, mostly because the name itself gives a fair reason of considering joining as somethingproductive; but, behind my decision lies many reasons I would like to post. My main reason would be the questions that keep storaging in my head, many of them that I couldonly address to knowledgeable teachers and experts on these topics; questions that wouldn`t be thought as innapropiate and instead expected to be asked.The answers tothese questions would allow me to know which decisions to make regarding my own health and the consequences of the decisions I will make. I would be able to know aboutmany diseases that often agravate us and what`s more important, how to prevent them. Not only would allow me to choose what`s best to keep my body as healthiest aspossible but it would also take influence to keep my mind healthy enough to make the right decisions. I would be taught what certain substances abuse could do to mybody and its consequences, holding this knowledge would be a weapon strong enough to fight social pressure if the situation presents. And finally, I would be able tounderstand about topics that are often considered as tabu and usually misguided.
I know that these questions also arise in hundreds of people, wether teenagers oryoung adults. Knowing that there is a place available to answer their questions and doubts with the only purpose of their own benefits would be reason enough for them tojoin.
Many diseases can be cured, this is a true fact; but, the most effective weapon is Prevention. This knowledge is what every health school hopes to impart.