Uses of past and future

1. The simple future

a. Use
The Simple Future tense is used to express non-continuous actions which will take place in the future. In the following examples, the verbs in the Simple Future tense areunderlined.
e.g. They will finish the work tomorrow.
He will arrive next Saturday.

3. The present continuous of To Go followed by an infinitive

The Present Continuous tense of to go, followedby an infinitive, is often used to refer to an event which is about to happen, or to refer to an action which someone intends to carry out in the future.

The Present Continuous tense of the verb togo is conjugated as follows:

I am going |
you are going |
he is going |
she is going |
it is going |
we are going |
they are going |

4. The future continuous

a. Use
The Future Continuoustense is used to express continuous, ongoing actions which will take place in the future. In the following examples, the verbs in the Future Continuous tense are underlined.
e.g. He will be waiting forus.
They will be arriving tomorrow.

5. The future perfect

a. Use
The Future Perfect tense is used to refer to a non-continuous action which will be completed by a certain time in the future. Inthe following examples, the verbs in the Future Perfect tense are underlined.
e.g. She will have finished the work by Wednesday.
I will have cleaned the room before the guests arrive.

6.The future perfect continuous

a. Use
The Future Perfect Continuous tense is used to express a continuous, ongoing action which will be completed by a certain time in the future. In the followingexamples, the verbs in the Future Perfect Continuous tense are underlined.
e.g. By next January, she will have been living here for a year.
. How to form the Present Continuous Tense?

The PresentContinuous is made with the present form of the verb “to be” (I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are) + the ‘-ing’ form of the main verb. The ‘-ing’ form of the verb is called the…