Soa methodologies


Edwin F. Gómez Universidad del Cauca

• • • • • • Characteristics. Existing Methodologies. Comparison Table. Conclusions. Questions. References.

Characteristicsof SOA Methodologies
• Delivery strategy
– TOP-DOWN: tied to the business logic. – BOTTOM-UP: legacy systems. – MEET IN THE MIDDLE (AGILE STRATEGY): balance between the two last.

Characteristicsof SOA Methodologies
• Lifecycle coverage
Full SOA life cycle? [Bass et al., 2003]

• Degree of prescription Flexibility.

Characteristics of SOA Methodologies

SOA solution life cycle [Cox& Kreger, 2005]

Characteristics of SOA Methodologies
• Availability proprietary or open? • Process agility agil or rigid?

Characteristics of SOA Methodologies
• Adoption of existingprocesses/techniques/notation Evolutionary or revolutionary. • Industrial application Case studies.

Characteristics of SOA Methodologies
• Supported role(s)
– Consumer view.
• Development isdeclarative. • Business process oriented through service composition.

– Provider view.
• Development is programmatic. • Component oriented.

– Both.

Existing Methodologies
1. IBM Service-OrientedAnalysis and Design (SOAD) (Zimmermann et al, 2004)
– It’s not a holistic methodology. – It builds upon existing techniques (OOAD, EA, BPM). – Meet-in-the-middle process.

Existing Methodologies

BPM, EA, and OOAD positioning

Existing Methodologies
2. IBM Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) (Arsanjani, 2004)
– – – – – Is a full-blown modeling methodology. Iterativeand incremental process. Propietary. Meet-in-the-middle approach. IBM RUP for SOMA (Arsanjani, 2006).

Existing Methodologies

Activities of service-oriented modeling


The service-oriented modeling and architecture method.

Existing Methodologies
3. SOA Repeatable Quality (RQ) (Sun Microsystems)
– Proprietary. – Based on a RUP process: