Student: Elvira Jazmín Solís ID: 1420786 Group: 4ai
The book The Republic by Plato, contains very interesting questions about what the justice is, in this book theprincipal personages are Socrates, Cefalo, Polemarco and Trasímaco, here those persons try to get an idea about the justice, its advantages and disadvantages, and try to analyze if the right person ishappy or displeased.
The dialogue begins when Socrates meets Glaucon in El Pireo, after the celebrations of the Athenian goddess. In the city is Polemarco that is with Adimanto,Nicerato and other people. Polemarco invites Socrates to his house, who happy accepts the invitation. In the house is Cefalo, and Socrates greets cordially, he shows very happy ofcan talk with someone who has a lot of experience in the lifetime and ask him about the old age. Cefalo responds that the old age gets some disadvantages, but those ones get him somerewards. Socrates says the in his opinion the old age is fine, cause this one make him rich. He responds that wealth has its advantages like paying debts, to the goddess and to the people. Butthat it is not the wealth the one that worries people, but it brings back to consciousness of have been right during its life. Socrates asks: But ¿is proper to define the justice has say justthe truth and to give each people the thing we receive of them? Cefalo accepts the expressed by Socrates, but is interrupted by Polemarco, that express what Simonides said: “ Is own of thejustice to give back each things”, Socrates ask to him continuing and explaining what Simonides said. After being talking about it, Polemarco modifies the definition given before and says, “Justice is doingwell to a friend and to affect the enemy”. Trasímaco interrupts the dialogue and demands Socrates stop doing questions, without giving an opinion. Socrates ask him for giving an opinion…