Plan de negocios

INDEX 1. Executive summary 2 2. Mission 3 3. Environment 3 4. Competition 4 5. Analysis market 4 6. Objectives 5 7. Specific objectives 5 8. Goals 5 9. Strategy 6 10. Tactics 6 11. Marketing Mix 7 11.1 Prices 7 11.2 Place 7 11.3 Product 7 11.4 Promotion 8 12. SWOT?analysis 8 12.1 Strengths 8 12.2 Opportunities 9 12.3 Weaknesses 9 12.4 Threats 10 13. Profile of the clients 10 14. Conclusion 11 15.Bibliography 12 1. Executive summary


The doctor Alfredo Cabello started Dynamic gym in 1985. It started out as a rehabilitation center for his patients, but then he noticed that his patients wanted to continue to use the equipment even after the rehabilitation. He also saw a growing need in the nearby population for these kind of services and decided to expand the gym so it would beavailable for everyone. Now it is a fitness and aerobic complex whose mission is to provide the best programs for the members. Dynamic gym focuses on the population of the nearby neighborhood, it’s a underdeveloped market witch gives the Dynamic gym the opportunity to grow. In this area two other gyms are established: Sports city and Fitness gym. But Dynamic gym can handle this competition since theyhave some competitive advantage for example they can provide instant medical attention if needed. Dynamic gym has many strengths and some opportunities that they develop further, but we have also identified some weaknesses and threats that has the capacity to hinder the development of the company if not handled correctly 2. Mission Dynamic Gym is a fitness and aerobics complex that is used by theresidents of Mexico city, and surrounding communities. The mission is to provide the best programs, staff, and equipment, to fully meet the various sports and fitness needs of the members, while generating a profit for the owners and investors. Dynamic Gym is determined to create a healthy and sporty atmosphere for all the members as well as for the employees to enjoy. Dedicated to the community,Dynamic Gym strives to support, sponsor, and host community events whenever possible. The company tries to offer a pleasant place with the best equipment in where the clients can improve their physical health with the aid of personnel enabled in the matter. Dynamic gym also offers other services and comforts to the client, like solar beds, sauna, massages, that cover the necessities of theclients. 3. Environment The knowledge of the environment allows the company to be prepared for big changes that can affect the business in a direct or indirect way. The company has to take into consideration the changes in technology, political economy and socio?culture. To understand the environmental situation in Mexico City, it is essential to understand the social situation in Mexico City. First ofall Mexico City differs from the rest of the country, because it has a population of about 30 million people and it is the biggest city in the world. There are a big differences in the social classes, since there are large gaps between the poor people and the rich people. 80% of the population are poor, while only 15% are medium rich and 5% are very rich. In Mexico the social classes are dividedinto: A. Very rich people B. Rich people C+. Medium high people C. Medium people 2

C?. Medium low people • Poor people Dynamic Gym is located in a zone that is consists of class C people (in general this zone consists of C+. C .C?) the zone is very big and is called Nueva Sinatel. With respect to the changes of the technological type, Dynamic Gym must have knowledge of the last technologies withregard to the innovations and modifications of the gymnastics apparatuses. For example Dynamic gym can invest in better tapes, that run better than the previous ones (with inclination capacity to simulate slopes, with computers that takes the heart rate, the run pulsation’s, time, kilometers). This is done in order to be able to offer the best service and to cover the needs of the client in a…