Mexican pirates

Mexican pirates.

A community that has its foundation on a marvelous past, incredible history, amazing discoveries and unprecedented social events its certainly the Mexican society.

Withprehispanic origins European heritage and American influence, our culture is one of a kind.

As members of the human race, we opt to implement the most popular philosophies that are trendy at themoment. Sometimes this is definitely not always the best choice.
Negative results have often come to assault us:

High inquisition, socialism, social classes, wars, currency devaluation,organized crime, dirty money, the prohibition, and discrimination, all have been consequence of cultural upheavals that in spite of major positive changes, have deeply affected Mexican society.Nonetheless there is a war that we all Mexicans are fighting, although losing terribly: PIRACY.

By definition[1] piracy is the crime of illegally copying and selling books, tapes, videos, computerprograms, making illegal television or radio broadcast or as it was commonly used in past: the attacking and stealing from ships at sea.
Even though by definition it has negative connotation, itsmeaning in Mexico is much worse. Piracy is directly linked to organized crime. It is also the result of a long term tradition where the belief of “to succeed you have to cheat” is a mantra.Though pirated goods may indeed be cheaper and are probably the only way that some social stratums may access art, it is definitely not a good cultural phenomenon.
Piracy encourages us to obtainbenefits without any type of hard work involved. But Mexican piracy also means bribes, corruption, robbery and covers more serious crimes.
Drug dealers use dirty money to promote piracy as it is anexcellent method to erase their finance balance sheets.
They are the new messiahs of commerce, the new Mexican philanthropists; the only problem is that what they consider as charity, are only…