Marzano thinking skills fact sheet

Marzano Thinking Skills Fact Sheet

LEVEL: Knowing

What processes are involved in Knowing?
• focusing on needed information
• defining the problem
• setting goals for solvingproblems
• obtaining information through the senses
• formulating questions for inquiry
• storing information in long-term memory
• recalling information from long-term memory

Whatverbs indicate knowing?
• list
• name
• label
• recall
• identify
• match
• choose

What are question stems that I could use for Knowing?
• Who did ___?• When was ___?
• What is ___?
• Identify the ___ in the ___.
• Describe
• Which ___ best defines ___?
• Which ___ is characteristic of ___?
• Which ___ is an example of___?

Marzano Thinking Skills Fact Sheet

LEVEL: Organizing

What processes are involved in organizing?
• comparison – noting similarities and differences
• classifying – groupingand labeling entities
• ordering – sequencing entities by a criterion
• representing – changing the form but not the
substance of information

What are key verbs in organizing?
• group
• classify
• compare
• contrast

What are question stems for organizing?
• Categorize ___ according to ___.
• Classify ___ according to ___.
•How is ___ alike or different from ___?
• What is most (or least) important about ___?
• In your own words, tell ___.

Marzano Thinking Skills Fact Sheet

LEVEL: Applying

Whatthinking processes are involved in applying?
• using information for practical purposes
• demonstrating prior knowledge within a new situation
• bringing together appropriate information forproblems
• using generalizations to solve problems

What verbs are involved with applying?
• apply
• make
• show
• record
• construct
• demonstrate