
I. Topic
Maltreated Children: Abusive forthcoming parents
II. Brainstorming

See Appendix A

III. Outline
Maltreated Children: Abusive forthcoming parents
A. Child Abuse
1. Definition2. Types of Abuse: Physical, Emotional or psychological, sexual abuse and neglect.
3. Historical Background of maltreated children in Puerto Rico

B. Factors and Causes
1. Who is aparental aggressor?
2. Why they do it?
3. Aggressor’s childhood.
4. Studies and research papers citation.

C. Effects and Consequences
1. Physical
2. Emotional and Psychological
3.Impact in adult life and relationships

D. Prevention and Professional treatment for abusing child behavior
1. Physiological intervention for abused children
2. Social Workers and publicservices
3. Law for the welfare and protection of children in Puerto Rico.

E. Personal Conclusion

Maltreated Children: Abusive forthcoming parents

I. Child Abuse
1. Accordingthe International Children’s Center in Paris, child abuse is “any act by action or omission done by individuals, institutions or society as a whole and all states resulting from these acts or theirabsence would deprive children of their liberty or their associated rights and / or to interfere with their optimal development.”
2. Types of abuse:
a. Physical abuse means causing a minor injuryor any condition that creates a substantial risk or likely to cause harm, disfigurement or temporary or permanent incapacity of any part or body function.
b. Emotional or psychological abuse is oneof the most subtle but also more existing child abuses. Boys and girls are routinely ridiculed, insulted, chastised or belittled. They are subjected to witnessing physical violence or verbal abuse toother family members. Be allowed or tolerated drug or alcohol abuse. While the law does not define emotional abuse is understood as such action that produces mental or emotional harm to the child,…