Importance of personal presentation


The importance of personal image and presentation:
An ancient eastern proverb says: “The clothing of a man is hissmile. The steps of a man reveal who he is. “

Personal presentation involves the totality of our appearance, speech, bearing, and even our arts in dealing with people. It is ourimage, that what Irving Goffman, the famous sociologist, referred to as ‘print management’. On the other hand, is called the protocol to all formalities for the conduct of public orsocial events, the rules have been established by custom.

Although the image or appearance have little or nothing to do with our abilities or intentions, we must pay attention tothem, because the success or failure of our opportunities, and even a simple interview can depend on them. Especially today, when success depends largely on the establishment ofrelations. ‘It is in our times of raw fighting, in which the queen sternly law of survival of the fittest, is not to be indifferent, however small they might seem, the details related tothe dress, manners, and appearance, whose combined influence can lead to success’.

The school uniform smock or apron is a peculiar and distinctive dress, used by studentsin some schools, like the Altair, who consider their use mandatory.

Its origins are in schools run by Catholic religious orders. Their leaders decided to establish a single dressfor students, to encourage humility of children and making no distinction between them for the variety and quality of their clothing, distinctive economic capacity of families. Alsopursuing the idea of affordable clothing for school, being the length garments combined with the ease and economy of maintenance. Hence, it is important to use the kit in schools.