The assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914 was the direct cause of WorldWar I. However, the underlying causes of the war had been developing for decades. Explain how each of thefollowing factors helped set the stage for war.
Nationalism: By the time of the WWI were two kinds of nationalism. The first was the desire of people has for independence and the second was thepeople who want to have power, dominance and prestige and this one is one of the principal causes of the WWI, because each power wants to dominate Europe and the rivalries created a conflict in Europe tohave power and dominance in the continent.
Germany in this time was a power in Europe and in the XIX century Germany was the main power, at the beginning of the XX century Italy, Austria-Hungary,Russia, France and Britain became principal’s powers too.
• Germany: want to preserve the hegemony they have in the continent, and for that they have to fight with the other countries, but Germany wastoo aggressive and choice the way of fighting.
• Italy: has another type of fight because Italy wasn’t powerful in economy and industry, she was power in having lands, and in that time they wantedto have lands in Africa as the other countries too.
• Austria-Hungary: was established as the Dual Monarchy in 1867. The Dual Monarchy in that time ruled over a large empire consisting of manynationalities, but only the Austrians and the Hungarians had the right to rule. For the WWI the conflict was with Serbia and Russia, with Serbia because Serbia wants to have its territory to create a bigSerbia territory and with Russia because he always give Serbia back-up.
• France: France for many years was the principal power un Europe with Napoleon I and Napoleon II. France was defeated byGermany in 1871, and loose two provinces that were Alsace and Lorraine. After that the greatest ambition of France was to defeated Germany to recover her national prestige and the provinces, and because…